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Festival Κόμικ στη Λυόν / 18 Απριλίου - 30 Ιουνίου 2012 (26/04/2012)


Dear Sir or Madam, 

I'm writing to inform you that Lyon BD, which is a french association that organizes each year a Comic Festival in Lyon, is launching an art project that might be of interest to your students. Webtrip is a collaborative, participatory and online comic project : two characters created from scratch are off for a european roadtrip... 12 authors and as many nationalities for 10 chapters of one online adventure. The project takes place on, from April the 18th to June the 30th.


I'd like you to spread the word to your students, as Webtrip is also a participatory project : everyone can join in and suggest a digression of our characters adventures, develop a background character, or bring them to a new destination ! 


We'd like Webtrip to be a great adventure between these authors, students, amateur artists and professionals. 

A competition is organized between the participants from now to August the 30th ; there are 3 categories : 

- Amateur artist (first price = 300 euros) 

- Student (first price = 500 euros) 

- Professional artist (first price = 700 euros) 


All participations will be displayed on the website of the project :


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